History :
Acting as their exclusive agent in Iran since the beginning of 2014.
MAUS Italy produces high quality types of cutting and welding equipment from 50s, transforming family business into modern world-level manufacture. Nowadays company is aiming to engage responsibly and efficiently into industry of tube fabrication equipment p with the goal to maintain strong and solid position on international market.
From the simplest tool to the automatic work centers, every part is designed, built, assembled and tested in order to ensure the safety of a high quality product, able to meet all the needs, even in the most demanding conditions.
The navigation in the menu on the side will lead you easily to the discovery of the wide range of products of Maus Italia, allowing you to to understand the technical and functional characteristics of each product.
Production and tube bundle assembling:
- Rolling, Tube expanders, TIG orbital welding
- Tube to tube sheet welding laser technology
- Automation and special machines
- Hole preparation, Mechanical drive
Maintenance and tube bundle dismantling:
- Tube bundle extraction and transporting
- Tube bundle cleaning, Tube testing
- Tube bundle cutting, Tube cutting, Tube extraction
- Tube plugging